Thursday, December 31, 2009

to a year that was ...

Ultimate highs & unimaginable lows.
The best parties and weekends I have ever experienced.
High grades for the first time since ... ever.
As per tradition, I sum up my year with a load of thank you's and I love you's to all those who made a difference in my year. I recount great laughs and reflect on the pitfalls along the way, but I think what I draw from this summary is mainly a sense of closure and maturity. I shed down another barrier and ponder on what this means for the coming year, that is 2010. So here goes nothing:

Aaron Tran:
As always, you will come first because are the only one in this list who has been there for me since DAY ONE ... literally. I honestly believed last year, when I said I couldn't love you more, it was the truth, but alas, I manage to find a little more room in my heart for a little more love just for you. My big brother of immense size and personality, I love you more than you could ever imagine. Thank you for having my back for yet another painful (for you) 365 days. I know I am a brat and a spoilt one at that, and I am so thankful you have had the nerve to endure this for 19 and a half years!

Julianna Cruz:
It sucks because you left late last year. I haven't seen you for over 365 days and it's safe to say that I am still suffering from withdrawal symptoms. That being, constant eye twitches as I have had to bottle up all excess anger that I have not been able to vent out to you, as we did for 15 years prior. I miss you so much my darling Julianna. I know we don't talk often anymore, with thanks to your hectic dance schedule and my ... well, my nothing. I am sorry I haven't been there for you as much as we would have hoped this year. But despite being literally half a world away, you will always make a difference in my life.

Christina Pizzolato:
AHHH the good ol' CP. I don't think I have met someone who is so in sync with me. You would probably think our menstural cycle would be in sync by now. This year was bigger and better than the last year, in terms of the amount of laughter and tears we shared. I love that I can just call you and skip all the formalities and just jump straight into my day. I know you'll be listening (and laughing) on the other end of the line without even thinking of yourself. You're selfless like that. I love you, like that.

Jason Sim:
I HATE YOU. I really do. I hate that I miss you so much. I hate that we don't talk much anymore. I hate that I know you live like 1 minute away and we still don't make an effort to spend time with each other. That being said, I love all the laughs we shared this year; I love our random late night pancake trips with CP; I love our ridiculous stories about how Unicorns rule the world and how there is a Woolworths on top of Fitness First in Castle Towers. But I think most of all I love you and your company, your laugh, your love. YOU!

Andrew Nguyen:
Yes, you FINALLY made the list. Despite our parents knowing each other since ... the 60's. Literally. You've provided me with much entertainment this year despite living in Melbourne. Our AFL rivalry and our friendship was a true blessing to me this year. I don't think I could have made it through this year's low's without you. So I owe much more than just this small message to you. I don't think I will ever forget your stupid fear of dying because of Cancer, nor will I ever forget the day I woke you with a message whilst you were in a lecture, which you, in return, made me laugh to myself while I was in the middle of a lecture. Thank you, Brother Bear. I LOVE YOU!
There are so many more shout-out's which need to be made but I'm strapped for time this year around. So in short, thank you:

Felicia Hasibuan
Kenny Wu
John Buesing
Zico Truong
Tasha McEwen
Shaun Alim
Con Popa
Katrine Huynh
Rick Duarte
Andrew Tran

...If I missed you it doesn't mean I love you any less, although it probably means your contribution to my year was shit and that you have a lot to make up for next year. I am kidding =).
But I apologise if you have been missed.
I love you all.
Thank you for such a great year. May 2010 bring just as many laughs except more!
Have a safe + a happy new year my loves. See you all on the other side, that is, 2010.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

1. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
I studied for a week straight at Parra campus library.
The C's outweighed the P's.
Achieved my first HD ever
Suffered a weekend long hangover.
I was DD, more than once.
Saved money!

2. Did you keep your new years' resolution(s), and will you make more for next year?
I like to believe I stuck to my resolution. I vowed to never throw an all nighter for University this year & if my memory stands, the latest I stayed up was 12AM for an assignment in the last week.
Personally, I despise thinking of new years resolution because I am filled with a tint of self doubt. I hate self disappointment too.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not that I recall!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No and when I come to answer this at the end of 2010, I hope the answer remains the same.

5. What countries did you visit?
None. Sadly.

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A healthy lifestyle! I have to rid myself of the fast food addiction.

7. What date(s) from 2009 will remain etced upon your memory, and why?
There's a few:
My 19th was pretty freakin awesome.
That one weekend in Winter where I had the worst nights out.
I'm feeling inclined to mention Stereosonic some where amongst this but given my high disappointment in the outcome I am a tad reluctant. But I will make note of The Bloody Beetroots and The Crookers set which were both OFF THE CHAIN!
June. The entire month of June. I was out every single weekend getting wasted. My wallet sure felt the sting.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Saying no to a certain someone who, if had shown remote interest in 2008 would have made my year.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not talking to Julianna as much as I should have :(

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was sick for two weeks, post birthday.
I was on crutches for a week due to a dance injury

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My new phone <3

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
CP! I dont think there was a day out of the 365 this year where she was not there for me.
And the Lewo boys for brightening my days with their antics.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
His, because he made me angry then relieved then happy in a time span of 10 minutes. He had issues making up his mind so took me along for the ride too. Selfish, no?

14. Where did mots of your money go?
Shopping - Clothes + Shoes.
Uni textbooks.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My birthday.
Pole dancing classes
Felicia's 21st Prom Night

16. What song will alwas remind you of 2009?
Joshua Radin - I'd Rather Be With You
BEP - Boom Boom Pow
David Guetta ft. Akon - Sexy Bitch
Diplo ft. Rye Rye - Wassup (Crookers remix)
Michael Buble - Haven't Met You Yet
Jason DeRulo - Watcha Say
The Bloody Beetroots - Warp 1.9

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. Happier or sadder?
ii. Thinner or fatter?
Thinner. I went through a fat phase last year.
iii. Richer or poorer?

18. What did you wish you'd done more of?
AFL game attendances were lacking this year.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
With family as per usual. Church. Drinks. The whole shebang.

21. Did you fall in love in 2009?
No. Actually, I did .. with shopping.

22. How many one-night stands?

23. What was your favourite TV program?
Gossip Girl, MasterChef, Melrose Place, Dexter, Scrubs, Glee.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Not at this moment!

25. What was the best book you read?
The Secret Life of Bees

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Jon McLaughlin!
The Script.

27. What did you want and get?
I wanted to get over you and I got over you =]

28. Wat did you want and not get?
New freakin glasses!

29. What was your favourite film of this year?

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I spent it getting drank with my favourite loves. I turned 19.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Never ending supplies of money.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
Cute for days.
Sluts for night.

33. What kept you sane?
My bed.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I was in lovelovelove with Jason Glover from SYTYCD US. And Nathan Trasoras from SYTYCD. And Shaun Evaristo from EKETC.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Proposition 8.

36. Who/what did you miss?

37. Who was the best new person you met?
I can't pick! =(

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
In times of despair and heartache, there's only a handful of people you can rely on. One of which will always surprise you with their generosity.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Birthdayyyy sex!

I need to be bold, need to jump in the cold water. Need to grow older with a girl like you.

DAMN, you's a sexy bitch!

1, 2. WOOP WOOP.



If dance is the universal language of the soul, then Friday nights are all about learning rude words

Friday, December 18, 2009

I am being....

...uber lazy. Apologies for the lack of posting over the past month or so. Being inunadated with loads of paper work at PAS Studios as well as demanding Christmas parties at the restaurant just randomly struck me down.
I will be back with a post very soon.
Filled with photos and recent purchases.
On a side note: You're growing on me.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Oh My Glee!

I've slacked off and I apologise for this. The truth is, I have been busy with all things holidays, work and dance.
Last week was almost the downfall of Liana the Great.
I burnt my hand at work ... twice. Burnt said hand with my straightener the following day. That very night I had a basketball hurled at my head (thanks random Jigglet player, further thanks to those MVP Inc players who failed to run to my aid).
But then University results sure knew how to pick me right back up. Thank you UWS and my brain for bestowing me with grades which resulted in presents from my parents =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Stereosonic was ... awesome without the awesome. So in other words it was fairly mediocre. I was moderately pleased with the set up, but whose fricking idea was it to put the Rocket stage right in between Hordern and RHI? It was almost impossible to enjoy the Rocket stage because you would be elbowed or pushed aside by people trying to get through.
The sound on the main stage was appalling. I struggled to hear the beats over the 30 odd thousand people screaming for their favourite acts. Sounds inside RHI were decent until Crookers came on. You would think that they would be using equipment suitable to handling such loud decibles of music, but no, Crookers managed to blow a speaker.
The heat inside RHI was unbearabe at some points. Breathing was a task which I struggled with (multiply this twice as I went to Stereosonic nursing a cold).
The drinks were all mid-strength ones at $10 a can. So I basically spent my day sober.
A part of me wishes the supposed riots outside RHI before Bloody Beetroots came on did occur. It woud have made for a much more interesting day.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I was kept up until 1AM this morning. My phone was ringing at an alarming rate. It was the boys en route to Melbourne.
Their camp fire dwindled to ashes.
Con's car broke down ... apparently.
I think I was talking to Con's/Carlo's (?) alter ego's; the Indian, the Asian, the Pommy.

I miss them, granted they only left a day or so ago.
Tonight is usually basketball night.
Come back to Sydney soon, homies.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I hope my boys take care on their trip to Melbourne!
Shaun, do not drive too fast.
Con, do not drive too fast.
John, do not drive too fast.
Zico, do not drive at all.
Please come back without injuries!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

falling apart

My group is on a knife's edge right now. This person isn't talking to that person, and another person isn't talking to this person because that person isn't talking to this person.
I feel like I am back in high school.
I want them to all be friends again!
I want X to leave the group.
I want B to leave C and D's friendship alone.
I feel helpless being the "middle-woman" and all.

Friday, November 20, 2009

#2 Polyvore

I've spent half my holidays on Polyvore already.

I have made a more conservative set. Inspiration drawn from ths cover of Vogue featured in the set. Simple black pumps accompanied with a large Burberry tote make the perfect corporate outfit for a job interview!

I fell in LOVE with this skirt the minute I laid eyes on it. I have to say the same for Christian Louboutins.

I have never had the guts to wear a maxi dress, until the other day whn I tried one on. I have been on a fence edge about this particular maxi dress from Bardot. The light fabric and near back-less back will be an essential in every girls wardrobe over the Summer, which is already shaping up to be a hot one!

You are pathetic

I feel that there is nothing more for me to do but sit back and laugh at your futile attempts to revive a friendship that you blatantly ignored.
Once upon a time, you were my best friend & you were his too. But when Miss Attention Grabber walked in your forgot about us both. And now we all live "happily" ever after.

Monday, November 16, 2009


If you haven't already discovered this website, then I suggest you hit it up (after exams) because it is possibly the BEST website (second to my blog hehe) out there.

I made a set featuring Angela Lindvall and a fringe sleeved, LBD. I am a huge sucker for LBD's and I probably have excessive amounts of them piled up in my wardrobe. I have been eyeing out the Siren heels for quite some time now, I just have to wait until my wallet is kind to me and will stop emptying itself out as soon as money is placed inside of it.
It's a fairly simple set that I would probably wear out to a night out for drinks or a club!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Loud Liana?

"One Liana, I can handle, but THREE of the same calibre and loudness? I cannot" - Anonymous.

THANKS BAH (inside joke).


I get a good laugh every time I spend a night out with my favourite Lewisham boys. Evidence as follows:

Friday, November 6, 2009

I love Gabe Bondoc <3

It's 3AM and I'm not tired
I lie awake I'm so inspired
You gave me just what I need, needed.

I'm not quite sure what we're doing
Don't know what it is but I'm pursuing
I've been waiting
Oh so long,
For something, someone like you to come along

Now I know why everything that I try
Fell to floor because you were in store
There was always a reason
And the reason is you
Oh it's you.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Parramatta campus is the place to be!

I have spent a total of 36 hours at the library over the past 3 days. It sounds insane and it really is. 9AM-9PM is ridiculous for anyone but so is law; so I have no choice.
In those three days I have met a new person every day. In hindsight it couldn't have been too bad.
Laurence the distraction; good or bad, I am not yet sure.
Jennika the girl who knows my boys.
Andrew x2 the boys who can't use a photocopier.

The couches and bean bags in Parramatta UWS Library should be removed. They are far too comfortable.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I try..

It's kind of hard to go a couple days without talking to A. Not because he's my boyfriend or anything but because he's been around since 2005. I suppose I owe some thanks to University exams for temporarily derailing our friendship, as I do every year. But for some reason this year seems different. Our conversations dwindled throughout the year and now it may as well be nothing. With a short exchange of the formalities such as 'how are you?' or 'what are you up to?' I'm beginning to get scared; what if the friendship is falling apart?

Does friendship ever have an expiry date?
Does A even realise this?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here's looking at you.

If you live within Australia you will probably have come across the mX at some point in time, whether it be because the trains and busses are littered with them or because you read them religiously.
I wanted to post something in the Here's looking at you section but because I spotted this eye candy away from public transport, the chances of him reading it are quite slim (not that posting it on my blog is any better).

You were running around the UWS, Kingswood bar on Thursday afternoon between 12-1.30, wearing a flannelet top and skinny jeans with awesome Tigers for shoes. YOU ARE SO FRICKING GORGEOUS. MARRRRRRRRRY MEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

This week I have:

  • Fallen down the stairs infront of the boys who I study Law with. I can't say it was my finest of embarrasing moments but it is surely up there.
  • Stressed myself silly with an exam and two assessments due consecutively after each other. Why is it that University enjoys inundating us with loads of work in the final weeks? Have they not heard of spreading things out?
  • Suffered an ongoing headache since Wednesday afternoon. It took my Nurofen 30 minutes to kick in last night. It's safe to say I went bat shit insane whilst waiting.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

just so you know...

They are not interferences nor are they annoying; they are my friends.
I don't come in a single pack; wherever I go, they go. They ALWAYS have my back and I am not going to let them go for this.
Don't call them extra baggage because it isn't "extra"; we come as one.
They are my homies whether you like it or not.

Monday, October 26, 2009

nag hag

Why am I always so persistant? I have to have closure with every single little aspect of my life; even something as small as confirming a time to meet.
My insecurity will be my social demise; I'm constantly nagging people about really pointless things. And when they don't respond with their usual cheery attitude, I fear that they have become a part of the "you're annoying me" clan.
It's a vicious cycle and I will always come out second best.

Maybe it's just harder because you're one of my best friends & I usually expect my friends to be there when I'm in need. Or to at least express a remote interest.
Maybe I expect too much.

Friday, October 23, 2009

commitment issues

I'm beginning to think I have commitment issues; and that's not the issues relating to relationships, but more so, my commitment to projects I insist on starting.
Case in point - this very blog.
I haven't attended to this overly neglected blog in over a week and I am terribly sorry :( truth is, my crazy weekend was followed by a string of assignments and that needed completing. Let me re-cap!

LAST Thursday - Oktoberfest. I remembered lining up to get inside and buy my drinks & I remember leaving and heading to World Square Bar. Everything else in between these events are a little hazy. N2S: Lower alcohol intake!

LAST Friday - Feli's second 21st birthday party! Best themed party I have been to thus far. 1988 Prom was such a grand idea and most people came in theme (thank you Lewisham boys for wearing those sexy bow ties). I was too scared to get overly drunk as a repeat of the previous night would have annihilated me.
The night consisted of sack whacks and dresses being lifted (ahem Zico!) but overall it was FANTASTIQUE!

Saturday - POLE DANCE FOR BREAST CANCER - enough said -

Then came the mundane routine of cramming the weekends worth of notes on Sunday so you can attend Uni the following week.


Thursday, October 15, 2009


It's that time of year, where Uni students come out in their thousands and pack the Roundhouse at UNSW for the annual Oktoberfest.
It is where German Beer becomes the favourite drink of all time and running into friends every corner you turn is always occurring.
I had no intention of going to Oktoberfest this year, partially because I simply cannot be bothered but F managed to convince me!
It's going to be a crazy weekend with F's 1988 Prom theme birthday on Friday night followed by Pole dancing classes on Saturday! (That's right people POLE DANCING!) But all the frenzy aside .....


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6th sense, no?

Andrew & my brother both believe they have a sixth sense.

Andrew: I can always wake up one minute before my alarm!!!
Liana: oh yeah, your 6th sense?
Liana: Just thought you should know it's called a body clock.


Monday, October 12, 2009


So if anyone out there, is willing to swap these tickets, I will love you forever and ever and ever.

and ever....

I have been forced to include the message (below). If you read any further & suffer from a loss of high amounts of IQ points, it will only be your own fault as I have warned you..

I think John.B is the best guy in the entire world for driving me home last night.

Friday, October 9, 2009

U Went Shit

I thought I escaped the evil grip of economics =(

AFL Trade Week

I think I belong in Melbourne, Victoria. My love my AFL is too big.
On the topic of AFL, trade week was absolutely crazy.
Personally I think Brisbane excelled in the trades and will probably come out on top. Snagging Raines (Richmond), Staker (WCE), Buchanan (Sydney )= ), Clarke (STK) and the infamous Fevola (Carlton). With the likes of Clarke and of course, Fevola, Brisbane will come out with all guns blazing in 2010.

Carlton lost their star player, Fevola which had caused them much strife over the years, most recently his drunken stunt at the Brownlow Medal presentation at Crown Casino in Melbourne. However, they managed to sign McLean (Melb.) and Henderson (Bris.) in the hectic trade week.

Over the years of my devoted love to AFL, I have managed to grow a large dislike towards the Collingwood Magpies. Their game play tactic and fans manage to hit a nerve within me that sets of rage sparks, so when I heard they secured Sydney's ruckman Jolly, my hate grew at an astonishing rate. Hate for the club aside, I adore Jolly, it is such a shame that it was the Pies who secured him.

Bombers (Essendon) fall in as my second favourite team. But I was surprised at their action of giving up Lovett to STK. In return, Bombers received Williams (Hawthorn).

Freshest premiers, Geelong lost Mumford in the trade week but welcomed in Drum (Frem.)

2008 Premiers, Hawthorn snagged Burgoyne (Port) after much trouble regarding a retracted offer to trade Brown. They also say goodbye to Kennedy and McGlynn in amongst the trade frenzy.

Port Adelaide scored Nash (Ess.) and Schulz (Richmond).

Sydney scored a deal with long running rivals WCE to snatch Seaby. Swans managed to seal a deal with Hawthorn and signed McGlynn and Kennedy late this week. With the loss of ruckman, Jolly to Collingwood, Mumford (Cats) was signed to ease the pain.

West Coast's Staker, famous for getting the rough end of the stick with Barry Hall early in the 2008 season, left for Brisbane but scored Dalziell in return.

Western Bulldogs and Sydney shared a friendship momentarily when Sydney handed over retired Barry Hall. Their desperation for a key forward has been answered.

Fremantle, Melbourne, North Melbourne & Adelaide had a small role in the trades of the past week.

distance makes the heart grow fonder

Andrew says (12:05 AM):
i got my vaccine shot
for swine flu
then i swan
and pt
Liana says (12:05 AM):
are they free?
i should get one
Andrew says (12:05 AM):
whats free?
Liana says (12:06 AM):
swine flu vaccine
Andrew says (12:09 AM):
yeah it is
Liana says (12:09 AM):
i thought you don't like needles
Andrew says (12:10 AM):
i dont
but being the asian i am
its free
and can save my life
so i took it

HAHAHA! I wish my darling Andrew lived in Sydney; instead of the place which takes 12 hours to drive to.
Love all around.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

some fine institution

How has Ticketmaster not been burnt down?
Big Day Out tickets were released 11 hours prior to the assigned time so my friends and I went into a frenzy; buying tickets left right & center.
The leak was plugged an hour later resulting in everyone questioning how valid these tickets really were. It was confirmed that these tickets will be honoured.
I slept easy ....
Until 9AM, when I discovered S had his card maxed the f*ck out (excuse the French).

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lesson #182

Do not play Guitar Hero for lengths of up to and/or over 2 hours. You WILL experience sharp, stabbing and rather uncomfortable pains in your wrist.

Happy Labour Day long weekend, my fellow Australians.
It's so true when they say Australian's love their long weekends.

Friday, October 2, 2009


There's always something soothing about sleeping to the sound of rain. I'm probably going to get a goods nights sleep tonight.

it will kill me

We're currently working on a contemporary to Jason Mraz's song, If It Kills Me. It will be a paired piece. I've been paired with Joel; who I am usually paired with. He always seems to drop me though.
I'm almost positive, in fact, 100% certain we will not replicate the intensity this performance from the 5th season of SYTYCD US had.
I am completely in LOVE with Jason Glover.

sweet pea

I keep on forgetting to forget about you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

only andrew...

Old blog browsing..

(12:44 AM) Andrew: today
(12:44 AM) Andrew: some lady walks in
(12:44 AM) Andrew: to buy ham
(12:45 AM) Andrew: "hi gorgeous!"
(12:45 AM) Andrew: "hey hots it going?"
(12:45 AM) Andrew: shes like
(12:45 AM) Andrew: i wanted to go to the pub
(12:45 AM) Andrew: but i dont want to go by mself
(12:45 AM) Andrew: its so cold
(12:45 AM) Andrew: im like yeah what can i get you
(12:45 AM) L.: ....................
(12:45 AM) Andrew: then she goes i dont want to go home either
(12:45 AM) Andrew: my partner abuses me
(12:45 AM) Andrew: im ok....
(12:45 AM) L.:
(12:45 AM) Andrew: then she goes i thought about it a few times
(12:45 AM) Andrew: to commit suicide
(12:46 AM) Andrew: but i didnt
(12:46 AM) Andrew: im like yeah no shit
(12:46 AM) L.: LOL
(12:46 AM) L.: were you feeling awkward by now
(12:46 AM) Andrew: then she goes alot of people love me and care about me
(12:46 AM) Andrew: "yeah good for you"

It's moment's like these

I always know when I go to Uni I will have a great time. I still think back and often reminisce with my friends about our hilarious moments. Such as the time Steven thought beef & pork were the same thing, or the time Felicia thought the VIP card from McDonalds was a one time only usage card, or even the time Andrew teased Valerie for a year about the way she said "twenty thousand".
I miss first year University days.
I miss these guys (L)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's time for a change

I was browsing through my old blog and I realised I have had that blog from the days of yesteryear. I used to spill the beans about anything and everything paying no mind to the idea that anyone and everyone could read about my entire life. I was an immature brat, to put it nicely and the only reason I did not migrate to Blogspot earlier is probably due to my rather pesky issue of attachment.
I was being nosey the other day and thought I'd sign up for a Blogspot account with really no intention on maintaining it or even blogging. But I managed to discover the many things this blog engine provides me as opposed to Blogdrive. I will try & not to bore you here..

A week ago I went to watch (500) Days of Summer with my dearest of dears, C.P.. Despite what some amatuer critics are claiming, I absolutely LOVED this movie. Not for it's rather ridiculously impossible ending but more so for it's appreciation of the old saying "there are two sides to every story". Being a girl who has been burned a plenty of times by the opposite sex, I had become some what biased in my views on relationship break downs. Now I will try and not ruin the movie for you all but it was a good change to see things from the male's point of view. I'm not one to claim perfection amongst ones self but I was one who would point the blame at the opposite sex simply because the rule books says so.
Apart from it's unconventional story line, I loved the music! Loved it so much I downloaded the soundtrack the minute I got home! I am such a sucker for Indie tracks!

I like sleeping to the sound of rain. I wish it could rain at night & never during the day; except weekends, of course.
I hate hot, rainy days. Today's forecast is to be one of such days. Great 30 degree weather accompanied by a dark, rumbling parade of clouds with plenty to cry about. Great. Now what do I wear?? Short's would be ideal, but the rain is boycotting my idea of revealing my pasty legs. Then there is the matter concerning shoes. I can't wear my boots because I have no intention on sweating myself dry and I don't want to wear my Rabens, flats or gladiator sandals because the rain will just soak right through.
I hate decisions; early morning ones especially. I suppose it's why I am juggling my fashion dilemma right now. If I wake up and attempt to face it then, I could be late.. I WILL be late. I think I will be late regardless.
I'm in a rut so I love my bed a lot more than usual. Waking up is usually the worst part so I stay in bed for a little longer than I should. Resulting in 10 minutes less to get ready ... 10 minutes later out the door ... 10 minutes late arrival ...
That is more time I have wasted on you. "
- September 21, 2009.